Help fix your rep's

  • stage one dropoff

  • discount dependency

  • fumbled demos

  • single threading

  • slipped deals

  • low ACV

Useful helps you identify deal risks sooner and proactively coach your reps through the sales cycle.

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Useful automates up to 90% of the
prep work for weekly coaching

Useful automates up to 90% of the
prep work for weekly coaching

Slack 1:1 Workflow

Create accountability - commit to weekly practice

Get reps to commit to practicing a skill on a specific call(s) in each 1:1.


Tailored feedback on every customer interaction

Automatically analyze calls for demonstration of the specific behaviors you're working with your reps on each week.

weekly performance recaps

Effortlessly prep for 1:1s

Let Useful do the prep work for you and automatically aggregate and summarize the coachable moments from your reps’ calls so you can coach with real-world examples in each 1:1.


No assembly required

Integrate directly with your existing sales tech stack and weekly 1:1s.

Get started in minutes

You're just a simple integration away from coaching your reps to 100% attainment. Start for free.